1. What is Winston’s dream about his mother? How does he feel about himself in that dream?
He is above the water watching his mother and baby sister underwater. He wished he had a little more appreciation towards them when he was a young boy.
2. What is his dream about the "Golden Country"?
That he is being approached by a dark haired girl which he is not attracted to.
3. What does he remember about the big events of the past? Bombs? Past Wars?
He remembers the beginning of the war.
4. Explain the Party slogan, "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
Whoever controls what happens in the past can predict the future by "estimating" what will happen. Eventually the future will become the past and they will have control over that too.
5. What does he know about the legends concerning Big Brother?
That he is younger than he actually may be.
6. Describe Winston’s job.
Winston's job is to rewrite the past with whatever Big Brother tells to write.
7. How is the past controlled?
By causing mass confusion through the media producing numerous different stories.
8. What special literature, music, and entertainment is produced for the proletariat (proles)?
Sports, Astrology, Sex films, and crime
9. How does Winston feel about his work? What sort of "creativity" is involved?
He likes the ability to create history. It's like he is creating his own history book.
10. What is the significance of Comrade Ogilvy?
He is a fictional person who now exists.
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